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Overlanding and How It's Changed My Life

Writer's picture: Tim HavnerTim Havner

Overlanding is described as "self-reliant adventure travel to remote destinations where the journey is the primary goal." To me Overlanding means so much more then just that, being a loner most of my life I never had many friends. The friends I did have where really my neighbors as their great people but I never had much in common with their interests so I never really hung out with them much, I always felt out of place. I loved the idea of overlanding and camping the gear and vehicle builds so I pursued it in my YouTube and other social media sites. I joined many groups on Facebook and followed some awesome people on YouTube & Instagram. In 2022 I teamed up with @ZEROBREEZE a company that manufactures the smallest battery powered air conditioner on the market and met Shawn and they asked me to start going to overland expo's which was a little scary for me as I've never been a people person. These events had thousands of visitors and vendors and I felt so comfortable and had so much fun talking to people and seeing the different rigs and gear and that helped me start reaching out more. I soon began commenting and talking with people in various groups on Facebook such as "Dirt Trails Overland" and I saw the opportunity to finally go with Kelsey the Admin of the group to run trails in Oklahoma's Ouachita National Forest. The day Kelsey & I went to Oklahoma was the day I met more friends " Josh & OD " , not knowing what to expect I started off the trip kind of quiet and kept to myself but these guys were really a great group of guys and in no time I felt like I belonged and friendships were made. OD and I have talked on the phone about trips and trails and Josh & I stay in contact and have camped twice together. Josh has a female blue heeler named Bella so not only did I make new friends so did my blue heeler Bandit who enjoys playing with Bella. 2022 has been a year of many changes in my life so to me the "Journey" in the definition of Overlanding means a life changing journey. Only time will tell what amazing Journeys lye ahead in 2023.



"Let's Xplore the Outdoors Together!"

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