Zero Breeze
Updated: May 14, 2022
When it comes to brands or products that I stand behind and promote there’s more to it then just a product, I look at how they treat people, tech support and the product as a whole. If they have a great product but treat people badly or tech support doesn’t want to help you, that says a lot about them and I won’t promote their stuff, in fact I usually look for another company that have a similar product that’ll suit my needs.
Zero Breeze has been one of those companies that’s been great all around to deal with and my loyalty will stay with them. My mark 2 has performed great for the past 2 years. They recently had a photo contest on keeping your pets cool and Bandit won 4th place and the prize was a custom engraved Apple AirTag to clip on his collar because our pets are family and we never want to lose them. Big Thank You to Zero Breeze. Bandit Will Always be cool and safe! #zerobreezemark2 #zerobreeze #zerobreezeairconditioner #zerobreeze2 #outdoors #outdoorslife #outdoorsy #outdoorswithdogs #blueheeler #blueheelersofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #dogs